We hope that these accounts will contribute to the spread of awareness of the abuses of women's rights taking place around the world today.

Put yourself in the place of the women who have suffered these injustices. Why do the perperators mistakenly feel that they have the right to inflict these shameful acts on other human beings?

In Iran
  • "I was married at the age of 12, and I had my first child when I was 13. My husband was unemployed and we fought all the time. We never applied for a divorce because I was afraid of losing my child. Finally one night, he poured a bucket of acid over my body and I was completely burned. When I rushed to the sink to flush my face and body, I realized that he had shut off the main water supply. I was taken to the hospital. My operation was held up pending advance money for the surgery, and permission from my husband to operate on my face. My mother sold all of her valuables and provided the money. My husband said he would only permit my operation if I consented to not seeing my children for the rest of my life. Finally, with hospital's pressure on the family court they allowed me to receive the operation on my face and body."